The “To Do List”

People tend to ask me multiply questions about how to start off their Marketing plans, and I know I’ve gone over it several times , but I feel the need to reiterate myself. I can only give the advice of my experience and a lot of times many people have very different experiences then I have had. So, I’ve come up with The To Do List. Sounds pretty epic doesn’t it?

When I started with creating my website and my blogs, I wanted to provide my audience with information about Network Marketing at their fingertips. I know planning and strategizing for marketing can be hard, but understanding what network marketing is,and why it will be an asset to you, is the most important thing you can do before anything else. So with that, I’ve constructed two keys that I used when I first started

Introducing The To Do List:

1. Reading and Listening: At the start of my career in Network Marketing has to be  Honestly this is where my mistake was. I was in a rush to start my business and didn’t really enjoy the reading side of it. Hours and hours of books and seminars and webinars. There were time where I was so tired the next day I couldn’t open my eyes from reading. But I should have started my learning phase earlier! Here’s some advice I would give for learning the ins -n- outs of Network marketing with out the headaches of reading irrelevant information.

  • Getting Relevant Info…and Keeping it! : There is never a bad time to acquire good information. The information that I come across daily, good or bad, amazes me and this is the whole idea of marketing. Your ability to separate information will definitely help you in the long run when trying to find things to buy or services to use. To be honest, there are a lot of things that we have that we don’t need. It’s better to go and ask what to read, then try to find it on your own. Content is key. See how people rate or comment on things that you read before reading it.  See how popular things to are.
  • Put it to good use! : Be creative when you’ve come on to some good info. Let no idea go unthought of. When you pick up on something, try to figure how you can make it part of your plan. Everything can be altered to be something else that’s why nothing is original anymore. All ideas derived from somewhere else and can be used for more than what it was made for. On my website I will have loads of books and other helpful websites available so you can have marketing literature at your fingertips! Meanwhile, there is a great book by Larry Beachum called MLM EXTREME MAKEOVER, that help me out tremendously when I first started out. Remember, you must increase your knowledge of something to completely conquer it!

2. Plan: Before I could get into any of the blogging,website stuff, or even affiliating myself with anyone, I had to plan out how I wanted to work the whole network marketing scheme into my normal schedule.

  • DO NOT quit your job! : This may seem like common sense, but you’d be surprise at how many people are so draw to the hype of success that they will get pulled away from reality. Being new to Network Marketing means that you should definitely take it on as a part-time job. Even if you have much success in your first few weeks, it isn’t a promise written in stone that this is how your business will always go.  Most people know that no one really expects them to quit their job and start making millions of dollars a day. I suggest slowly work in the hours you want to work on your network marketing plan, into the hours you work normally.
  • Map it! : Mapping it would be figuring out what you want to market, who do you want to market for, who will be your target audience, what product or service do you want to sell ect. These are things you can think of as you check out the sites and/or books of other marketers. Observe who they market to and what they market, then compare it to your plan and see what will work for the way you want to market!

As you complete these task that I have listed you should check them off! That is why I call this the To-Do-List. I’m sure this strategy will provide you with much success, as i has for me, in your marketing plan. Many blessing of success!

Believe in Your Ability!

You Are An Entrepreneur, There Are No Inabilities pt. 3

As we come to the conclusion of my 3 part series of “You Are An Entrepreneur, There Are No Inabilities” I want to  get on a one on one level with you. Think of the word Entrepreneur. Seriously let it sink into your head and see what words come to mind? Wealth maybe? Knowledge? A business man? Or maybe some famous entrepreneurs come to mind. What ever the case does you’re name ever enter your thoughts. What comes to mind when you think of you? Maybe a little of what you think of an entrepreneur? Maybe not a lot but a little. Here’s my definition of an entrepreneur: A person with the ability to learn. Simple. Not a college graduate, not a person who owns businesses. Someone with the ability to learn. If you have a brain, can read and write, you can be an entrepreneur. People have complicated the business world too much in my opinion. I’m sure many people drop the idea of starting anything in an industry just off of their opinion of Business. Why is this? People, Human beings, Personas, however you want to say it, are lazy! The reason being so, because we have gained the luxury of having most of our needs, conveniently, at the tips of our fingers. For some people all it takes is their own thoughts, to talk them out of doing something. For others it takes a couple of people to confront them and they drop their dreams. What’s with that? Faith. They do not have faith in their abilities. Here are two different versions of a verse in the Bible that is truly going to hit this home for you.

 Hebrews 11:1

KJV : Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

NIV: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Both of these of statements should bring home to you the same truth. Faith is hoping for what you cannot see.

When I started playing basketball as a kid I never thought about this for a second. Has I ever seen a player just wake up one day and be the best? No. I had always been told how hard Micheal Jordan or Tim Hardaway had to work to get to where they were, but I never related that to myself. It took them shot after shot to finally find their own shooting form. Lap after lap to be the fastest. So what did these “top dogs” have that i didn’t have? I could dribble and shoot just as they could. Not as well but still. What did they have that made the so much better than me? The tools, the trainers, and the want to push their abilities to their full potentials. So what did I do? Mimicked everything they had done! Why not? Hadn’t they succeeded?

People all around us are succeeding because they are being all they can be. They are not only learning from others mistakes but also from their successes too! What a way to learn!! They are blocking out all the negativity with pure will!a

Sometimes it’s the hardest thing to get up after a few failures, but if you fail fast you will succeed early. A lot of people have a phobia of failure, but one time another it’s bound to happen and you will question your abilities. Just remember as long as you’re willing to push them will always be in the right lane for success.

In Conclusion, I think that putting these tips together will help you in your business and confidence. So whether you’re a veteran or new to the whole business scene everyone will have their failures. As entrepreneurs we must have the ability to try no matter who says what or what happens. Our future depends on our ability to succeed and know success comes with failure.

The Tools of an Entrepreneur

You Are An Entrepreneur, There Are No Inabilities pt. 2

In this blog I’m going to finish the childhood tale that helped me, as a newcomer, open my eyes to the keys of building up confidence, finding the road to a successful business, and believing in my abilities!

As I had said before I quit playing with the team I was on and didn’t join another team for a long time. When I finally did play basketball again I went searching for a trainer who started training me for 5 months. I didn’t join a team and I didn’t play basketball with anyone. I just trained for 5 months everyday, from 6:30 am  to 10:00 am. I was committed to turning my raw talent into incredible skill! After the 5 months of training day in and out I went to an open gym that my ex-team was hosting. I dominated. Even the older players seemed to have had a hard time keeping up with the new skills I had acquired. The greatest thing that day was the look of disbelief on my old coaches face! It was if I had transformed from Clark Kent to Superman before his eyes, but I hadn’t gained any superpower I simply used what I’ve had since I had when I started with them. My ability! I switched my tools! I let my coaches negativity drive me to find what I was really made of. I know this might be a childish way to put my point into view, but I’m sure it relates well to many starters in the business world. Shaky, unsure, impressionable. So how do you answer this all the negativity coming your way?

I’m going to give you the three things that I’ve used since my basketball days as a kid up to now, that have helped me greatly in my marketing plan and just all around in the business world.

#1 Find the right tools for your business: Not everything that everyone else uses is right for you! Just like in my little tale, maybe the old coach I had couldn’t communicate the things I needed to learn like the new coach I found could. The new coach knew the thing I needed to do to rein in that raw talent into amazing skill which is the same for entrepreneurs. Being new to all this is the reason we must search diligently for the material that will be an asset to us, but be cautious! Some products will bring you down further if it’s not right for you. So research, read, find out the needs of your business and magnify it!

#2 Find a mentor: A mentor has to be one of the greatest needs in a entrepreneurs business experience! Being that we are struggling trying to find away to make a buck in this vast industry(what ever industry you are part of) we are in need of what I call the “business veterans”. Not only will finding a mentor help you with situations in your business, it will also make you less likely to make half the mistakes most “newbies” make. What better way to learn in life than from someone else’s mistakes? Having a mentor is also a chance to have someone to relate to because they know what it’s like to have gone through failure, hardship, and negativity. I remember being so relieve to find the new coach I found because he was so experienced with kids of absolutely no skill. He had been through training kids with no talent and kids with lots of athleticism. So, I felt I could relate to him. Just like there are many possible mentors that you will be able to relate to. Great people like Mike Dillard and Joel Comm, were easy for me to connect with(experience wise) because they knew what it was like to have failure after failure(as I have had many times) and yet they still found a way to push through. I think it’d be wise for any entrepreneur to find a mentor and get down deep into their story. Find out what their challenges, hardships, and how they overcame, similar obstacles you go through in your industry, to be the great businessman/woman they are today.

The last thing a want to hand to you is #3 Believing in Your Ability..When you think of the word entrepreneur what comes to mind? Check out my next blog for the last tool for being an Entrepreneur!

You Are An Entrepreneur, There Are No Inabilities

Today was very interesting. I examined people and their everyday life. Their ups and downs and how they react to the disappointments in life. Honestly I have never been fascinated with how quickly a person will give up on a project or just get bored with something. But why? I always think, either lack of confidence and/or discipline. Period. I can’t see any other excuses for someone not finishing something they decide to start, yet still as I get deeper into the business world I find that a lot of  entrepreneurs just don’t think they have what it takes to complete  the building steps for starting a business. I’ve found that a lot of the younger business men/women around me are easily put down by all they success of those around them and suddenly lose the will to reach that success as well. I know I for a fact many will pass up this blog saying ” Yeah, yeah I’ve already reach my business dreams, this is old.” But have you really? Have you honestly look at those around you and ask yourself ” Can I reach higher?”  WHY NOT?

I remember when I was younger and joined a basketball team, that really wasn’t a good team now that I think about it, but being young they seem pretty good and I…well, wasn’t. Go figure. It wasn’t that I couldn’t dribble or pass, it was that I couldn’t do it well. I was incredibly athletic, yet fundamentally clueless. Isn’t that how it is when we start off as entrepreneurs? Wet bend the ears? Newbies? Ignorant to most of the ways of the “business world”.

But let me continue my story and I will bring you to my point.

So, as I was saying I had the athletic side of basketball down just no fundamentals or skills what so ever. Never the less, the coach was absolutely excited to have me and had ‘big plans’ for me. I was going to be one of the “best players”. Well, By the beginning of the 2nd year he had lost total faith in me and in one game flat-out told me I had no talent! And you can figure what came next. What would you do if you were a kid being told that you pretty much had no future in the sport you loved? I was crushed, and no longer wanted to play the sport I loved since I was a toddler, a sport I had the potential to master, but lacked the right mentor and tools. Many start off in business great. They pick up the ball and just start running. But suddenly as they see how others around them are moving through their part of the industry with leaps and bounds and reaching their goals, they lose faith. This is where beginners luck meets veterans wisdom. Athletics vs. Fundamentals. Is that ball slipping out of your hands?

I’m sure you’ve heard it all from your friends or family telling you to give up , maybe even some strangers that are on your website or blog telling you can’t do it. What can you do ? You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Before tell you the steps I found that helped this wet-eared newbie, me,  I’m going to finish my childhood tale…that just might open up the door to your confidence and success in the business world. Check out the my next blog for the continuation!

Twitter Adder Update!

Hey guys! Sorry for the pause in days between my blogging but I’m finally getting back to you with a Twitter Adder Update! I’m proud to say that it has been working quite smoothly, so well in fact that I have decided to add it to many of my other Twitter accounts and they are getting followers like wild fire. I’m even connecting with people who are starting to find interest in my field of business! ALSO, to add to this excitement all of my accounts have over 100 followers(and counting!) I really suggest that any entrepreneurs really wanting to increase their social networking sites invest in this software. It’s highly reliable and convenient for those you can’t spend hours just social networking (which is most of us). But there’s also a demo for those that are not totally persuaded that it works. All you have to do is click the Twitter Adder banner down the side of my page and get started! This is a whole new way to organize your Twitter. I highly recommend it!

Are You a Marketing Craftsman?

Check out this quote I found earlier:

“A photographer went to a socialite party in New York. As he entered the door the host said, ‘I love your pictures-their wonderful; you must have a fantastic camera.’ He said nothing until dinner was finished then: ‘That was a wonderful dinner. You must have a terrific stove.”
– Sam Haskins

Now if I was the photographer I would have been highly offended by this host. It takes the hard work of a photographer to capture the the beauty and lighting of an image. It’s not simply the tools but the craftsman behind the tools. It’s the same thing with marketing! You won’t get any success out of just laying your tools down i.e getting a blog and never writing or making a facebook or twitter and never using it for marketing the right way. You must find ways to put these tools to work for example, read about how to use social networking properly, or before buying lead generators find out how reliable they are. Get close to people that have had success using their tools. People like Mike Dillard, Charlie Page, & Russell Brunson…these are amazing craftsman who have built beautiful businesses. Success will not just come to your hands.You have to work to get.

Heres a website that will help you along with building up tools for your network marketing:
5 of the worst ways to get Traffic to your websites

Also look through my blog and RSS feed for more information for marketing. The Internet is full of tools. Show the world you can put them to work.

Marketing secret to getting traffic on…Twitter?? continued Day 1-4

Hey guys in this blog I’m going to share with you my completely honest opinion of Twitter Adder for the few days that I’ve had it. So I started the software going  on the 6th because I wanted to start it efficiently where I could monitor it and could keep a closer eye on how it work. It was a breeze on Day 1. I typed in my keywords that I wanted to use to find people like myself. It pulled up more than a thousand people just on my keywords “Network Marketing” ! I went through the steps to following more people, set up the automation on all the features to my liking, and I left the software for awhile. I came back hours later (starting off with 16 followers) and I had 50 more followers! Now that was just Day 1. Day 2, 3, 4 went a little bit slower than I would have liked and I was disappointed to see that in 3 more day I had only gotten 74 follower. At that moment I was thinking the same thing that you are…This was a rip off! But you’ll be glad to know I quickly found out what my problem was after going through the tutorials on the software. Twitter Adder needs to be running on your desktop the  my whole time for it to work successfully. The problem with me was, I would let my laptop go to sleep and hibernate as the system was running and would for get to click on it and minimize it.! Its terrible the simple mistakes we make! But I’m excited and eager to see the new results I get with running the program constantly! Join me on my next few days and follow me on twitter to see the progress!



Marketing secret to getting traffic on…Twitter??

Hey guys, today I want to share with you the new secret to getting a massive following and traffic to your Twitter. Now I know you’re saying “Why do I want trafficking to my twitter?” Well, all great marketers know that Twitter has become one of the top Networking sites period. Marketers are using this site for posting tweets about their different blogs/articles and quick links to their products. This being the case, Twitter is BIG TIME. So, it’s important to have this in your web marketing plan. In order to be known on Twitter you need to have a good following, and have a good list of people you follow that are involved in the same network/business that you are.

Ex: If you are a designer you would want to connect with other designers therefore,  you would follow them and want designers to follow you.

This is where Twitter Adder comes in. On Twitter you have the ability to follow anyone that you want. Being part of the business world you want to be surrounded by people of  like- mindedness.  Twitter Adder can weed out people you want without having to go through all the millions of users on Twitter. All it takes is a keyword and Twitter Adder is on the search for people like you! Imagine going to your twitter and discovering you have 100 followers in only a few hours! Think of creating a network of, marketers/designer/writers/photographers/ or whatever your is interest, without any effort! But, this isn’t where the features of this software end..You also can create a unfollowing system that unfollows anyone that doesn’t follow you or isn’t of your interest. It’s amazing and all completely auto-pilot! There are so many other features that are apart of this software that it will blow your mind! If you want to try it free just click on the Twitter Adder banner on the sidebar of my page. Also, just to prove that it works you are invited to a journey with me as I blog 10 days about using this software and how my Twitter  following will improve! Follow me on Twitter!